This latest teaching is a brief to the point and Scripturally based to help you break down the strong holds of years of wrong teaching and start experiencing the promises and blessings God promised you in the Bible.
Is filled with supernatural blessings and promises. The Bible says God created a New Covenant with His children through the crcifixion and ressurection of Jesus. Are you ready to start seeing God's blessings and promises manifest in your life?
This is truly an eye opnening booklet that is based completely 100% on scriptures. Unfortunately, most of the things being taught in churches are not based on the Bible but on man's opinion from what they have experienced in the flesh.
Christians for years have been saying science is not the truth, because they have been taught it doesn't agree with the Bible. But the truth is science does in fact confirm some of the most important parts of the Bible.
The original Pilgrim's Progress was written in 1678 while the author was in prison for preaching against the teachings of the church. The book was the second most read book in the world only behind the Bible (that should tell you something). Pilgrim's Progress 2020 shows us what the original book would be like if it was written in today's world.
Sadly, there are a LOT of Christians unknowingly compromising and even destroying their relationship with God just to find success. There are many dangerous books, audios and seminars being promoted which discreetly (and some blatantly) intertwine occult practices into their teachings. You do not have to do this. I can show you how to follow Biblical principles, have a stronger relationship with God and find success beyond your dreams.
What does it take to go to Heaven? Most church goers really do not know what the Bible says about this. They only know what man has told them.What does Salvation really mean? Sadly most people in church are not really saved based on what the Bible teaches. Isn't it important to find out the truth?